
For treatment of respiratory problems (like ornithosis, Mycoplasmosis, Coryza), E-coli, Salmonella and bacterial infections in common."


For treatment of respiratory problems (like ornithosis, Mycoplasmosis, Coryza), E-coli, Salmonella and bacterial infections in common."


For Individual treatment against Canker (Trichomoniasis and Hexamitiasis)



Flagellates (trichomonades, hexamites) are usually responsible for latent and subclinical infections that result in ostensibly healthy animals having less than the expected vitality. Chronically infected animals have poor condition and are more susceptible to other forms of illness.


Flagellates (trichomonades, hexamites) are usually responsible for latent and subclinical infections that result in ostensibly healthy animals having less than the expected vitality. Chronically infected animals have poor condition and are more susceptible to other forms of illness.


Salmonella Mix Extra has a broad therapeutic action and is the remedy par excellence for the treatment of canker, bacterial (intestinal) infections caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (salmonella, E-Coli) and all disease agents which are sensible to the drugs.

Out of stock

This product is no longer available. It is comparable to Dac Pharma Adeno Extra Mix in both the 100 gram and 10 gram variants.


Tablet for individual treatment of hair- and roundworms, gape- and tapeworms infections.


For treatment of hair- and roundworm infections.


Giamectine is active against parasites (lice) and light worm infestation in pigeons.


The day before birth and at home.1 Drop in the throat or nose hole, or 15 drops per liter of water.


WORM-THERAPY is a water soluble powder containing levamisole with a strong efficacy against gastro-intestinal roundworms.


Magistral prepared combination of medicines with simultanious action against : Adeno-Coli, Parathyfus, E.Coli, , Streptococcus, Enterococcus and Staphylococcus


Magistral prepared combination of medicines with simultanious action against : Adeno-Coli, Parathyfus, E.Coli, , Streptococcus, Enterococcus and Staphylococcus


Against hairworm and roundworm. To be administered in the drinking water. Doesn’t affect the feathers , but nevertheless preferably not with youngsters in the nest and during moult.