12.15 20.37

E-Coli, Paratyphoid , Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and bacterial infections in general.

Out of stock
 13.49 20.37

Combi mix 4 in 1 is very suitable for the treatment of trichomonades, hexamites, coccidiosis, and mucus in the throat.

 13.49 18.99

These secondary infections infections put stress on their already overtaxed immune system and interfere with the healing process.

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 13.49 20.37

Canker (trichomoniasis, hexamitasis), paratyphoid, E-coli and bacterial infections in general.

 13.49 20.37

This mix contains a combination of active components that are effective against the Adeno/E-coli syndrome and Coccidiosis.

 11.47 12.39

Multitivit-mix is a special mixture of hydrosoluble vitamins and glucose

Out of stock
 13.49 19.22

Picking of feathers, scratching head, red throat, yawning, inflamed third eyelid (especially in young pigeons), dirty noses, blue flesh, swollen heads, one eye cold, wet eyes, snot.

 13.49 19.91

That's why this mix contains several active ingredients.

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 13.49 19.91

During the racing season regular treatments for these infections are necessary.

 17.52 19.91

Tricho Magic is a product that is specially effective against infections caused by trichomonades and hexamites in pigeons.

 13.49 18.99

Hair -and roundworm infestations in pigeons (Capilarias spp and Ascaridia spp)

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This product is no longer available. It is comparable to Dac Pharma T-K-S Mix in both the 100 gram and 10 gram variants.

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This combimix is highly suitable for the treatment of Trichomonades and hexamites (canker), Coccidiosis and Mucus in the upperthroat The mix has a wide safety margin and is borne readily by young animals.

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The combination of Trimethoprim and Sulfa in Adeno Extra Mix provides a unique, broad-spectrum bactericidal action. These two antibiotics work together in different ways to effectively combat both Adeno-Coli Syndrome and Coccidiosis. This synergistic approach ensures powerful protection against these conditions, allowing your pigeons to recover faster and stay healthy.

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Broomhexine Mucus dissolver for treating mucus in the upper respiratory system. By using Broomhexine Mucus dissolver the day before and the day of basketing, you insure that your pigeons go to the races with a clean throat.